How To Exfoliate Your Skin
To scrub or not to scrub is not the question.
But there are other plenty of other questions about exfoliation, and we are here to answer them for you.
Why should I exfoliate my skin?
The trouble is that our skin becomes much less effective at desquamation as we age: the matrix in which skin cells sit (like a biological glue that holds them together) becomes thicker and does not let go of older cells as easily. The result is dull skin with less of that healthy glow you had when you were in your teens. So, exfoliation is one way you can help your skin stay up to speed with its natural "freshening up" process, restoring your skin to a brighter, illuminated appearance. The trick, of course, is to exfoliate the right way, with the right frequency. If done too harshly or too often, you will take away too many layers of skin cells from the stratum corneum, and damage your skin's barrier function. Over-exfoliated skin will appear red, irritated, blotchy, and conditions such as dermatitis, acne, and rosacea can become more visible. As with just about everything in life, moderation and balance are key. So, let's talk about methods of exfoliation.
How do I exfoliate my skin?
There are several methods of exfoliation, and here we will focus on the ones you can do at home, rather than the more expensive dermatology office options, like microdermabrasion and chemical peels.
>Mechanical ExfoliationThis involves using a textured item like a brush or a product with granules to remove dead skin cells on the surface. The amount of pressure or the size of the granules will depend on the type of skin you're exfoliating. For example, you might try dry brushing the skin of your body every morning before showering, using a natural bristle brush, which would be much too harsh for your face. Or you could use a product like our Himalayan Body Buff in the shower, but you would never want to use salt granules for a facial scrub—your facial skin is too thin and sensitive for a salt scrub.
When it comes to the face, you need to use about 1/10th the pressure, and softer materials. The simplest method of facial exfoliation is to use a soft, damp washcloth on your face in very gentle circles. Our konjac sponge is another great option. It has a slightly smoother texture than a washcloth, making it safe for daily use. Alternatively, you can use products with very fine, mechanically-exfoliating ingredients, such as clay, botanical powders, oat or almond flour, super-fine shells designed for dermatologic use, or other ground grains. In our Detox Exfoliating Mask, the combination of clay, raw cacao powder, and organic walnut shells makes for a gentle mechanical exfoliation, with the added benefit of activated charcoal to pull pollutants from the skin cells that stay behind.
No matter what mechanical exfoliation method you use, light pressure will be the key to your success. You're not scrubbing the kitchen counter—this is your skin! Elbows, legs, and upper arms can take moderate pressure, but the skin on your face should be treated very gently, using only as much pressure as is required to move the product around your face. If your face is super red after a treatment, you're using too much pressure!
>Chemical or Enzyme ExfoliationIngredients like alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids, lactic acid, and Vitamin A work to loosen dead skin cells and increase cell regeneration rates. Perhaps the best known of these treatments is Retin-A, which is a form of Vitamin A used to increase collagen synthesis and help reverse the effects of long-term UV exposure. Unfortunately, it is not recommended for super sensitive skin or for pregnant women. It can cause redness, extreme sun sensitivity, dryness, itching, peeling, and burning. But, if you're willing to tough out the side effects, you will likely see some improvement in skin texture over time.
If, like me, your skin does not tolerate Retin-A, there are gentler options with little to no risk. For example, pumpkin and papaya are rich in alpha-hydroxy acids, as well as Vitamin A, C, and zinc, all of which can help exfoliate the skin, combat acne, and diminish hyperpigmentation. Tomato is full of Vitamin C and lycopene, a carotenoid with potent antioxidant benefits. Lactic acid, found in milk products, helps break down the matrix where old skin cells reside, allowing them to slough away more easily. Enzymes in grains like quinoa, amaranth, and rice can do the same, and provide a very silky texture when mixed with water, activating their enzyme activity.
When should I exfoliate my skin?
With love and a perfectly-exfoliated glow from us to you,