Easy Gluten-Free Scones

I’m an okay baker. By that, I mean that I must follow a recipe, and I feel extremely sweaty and nervous if I have to make even the slightest substitution. That said, my baked goods usually turn out to be pretty tasty! Since going gluten-free about eight years ago, though, I’ve had to work up the courage to start baking again. Early on, I had a few lumpy, tongue-drying disasters that made me regard my oven mitts with serious trepidation. But, being gluten free has come a long way since then. Thanks to all the creative people out there who don’t respond well to gluten but still want to eat like kings, baking without gluten has become much easier and way more delicious!

One Saturday morning, after a particularly invigorating shower with our award-winning Coffee Mint Soap and a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I decided I needed a scone to go with my coffee.

I did a lot of searching before I landed on this recipe by GF Jules. It looked simple and quick, which aligned with my urge for instant gratification that day. I made it, and the scones were really good, especially for a first time scone-maker! Since then, I’ve fiddled with the recipe a little bit, and made a few modifications, so I’ll share my version here. If you want a vegan recipe, work from the recipe on her website, which gives vegan options.

I didn’t have the GF Jules flour blend, so I used Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 GF Baking Flour blend, the blend I usually have on hand in the pantry. I also subbed in some almond flour for a bit more moisture, and greek yogurt for a richer, decadent flavor.


1 ¾ cups Bob’s Red Mill GF 1:1 baking flour
¼ cup almond flour
¼  cup organic, unbleached granulated cane sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons (½ stick) very cold butter
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
¾ cup plain, organic greek yogurt


(shoot for a heaping ½ cup of total additives)

These I’ve tried:

  • Fresh, sliced strawberries and ginger chips (my team loved these)
  • Fresh or frozen blueberries and lemon zest
  • Fresh raspberries and lime zest

These are on my list to try:

  • Cocoa powder and cacao nibs
  • Coconut flakes and chocolate chips
  • Pumpkin and dried cranberries


(I followed the directions from the GF Jules recipe pretty closely here, because they are easy and work well!)

Preheat oven to 400°F.

Whisk together all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Cut butter into the dry ingredients using a pastry cutter or two knives. (Note: this is the upper body workout nobody knows about. I’m legit going to make a fitness video about pastry cutting. If you’re flushed and tired after this step, you’re completely normal. Not sure what cutting pastry looks like? Watch this.)

Stir the eggs and yogurt together, and add to the flour mixture. Gently fold in your additions, being careful to stir them in only as much as you need to, and trying not to squash too many berries! If the mixture feels too crumbly, wet your hands and sprinkle a bit of water on it until it holds together. (Second note: do this very slowly, as a few droplets of water may be all you need.)

Turn dough out onto a clean counter dusted with GF flour. Pat it into a circle, flipping occasionally to prevent sticking. I use a pastry scraper in this step to help flip the dough. The final circle of dough should be about ¾ – 1 inch thick and roughly 7-8 inches across.

Using the pastry scraper lightly dusted with flour, cut the circle in half, then quarters, then eighths. Using a dinner knife, gently lift each triangle onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush the tops with butter or coconut oil, and a sprinkle of sugar if you like. Speaking of sugar...

Bake for about 10 minutes, until the tops are lightly browned and the scones resist a gentle finger pressing down on top of a scone. There shouldn’t be any uncooked parts of the dough peeking through, but be careful not to overcook!

Makes approximately 8 scones, and the recipe can be doubled easily - you’ll just have to eyeball the part where you split the dough into two halves.

Even if you’re not gluten-free, these are super easy and totally delicious. Have one with a cup of coffee, a mug of tea, or a serving of my new favorite drink. Better yet, make a batch of these British beauties and share them with family and friends. And, don’t forget to wash the dough off your fingers with a fresh bar of our beloved Coffee Mint Soap!

With love and a perfectly crumbly mouthful of scone from us to you,


Sarah Villafranco, MD

Dr. Sarah Villafranco attended Georgetown University Medical School, and went on to complete her residency in emergency medicine at George Washington University. She moved to Colorado, where she practiced as a board-certified emergency medicine physician at Aspen Valley Hospital, Snowmass Clinic, and Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs, CO. After losing her mother to pancreatic cancer, she took a local soap making class, and fell in love with the chemistry and artistry of making soap. Sarah went into research mode and was alarmed to learn how many potentially harmful ingredients were in most skincare products on the market. She knew she could make better, safer products that were as effective (if not more so) than conventional products. After a few years of research and development, Sarah stepped away from the emergency room to launch Osmia Skincare in April of 2012. She remains a licensed physician in Colorado, and now helps people find healthier, happier skin as CEO of the brand.