When it comes to skin that's breaking out, why not try a little tenderness?
For decades, dermatologists have treated acne with harsh chemicals and stripping, drying treatments. We have a different idea for your skin.
Your skin is part of a feedback
loop, and can’t be separated
from the rest of your body
when it comes to treatment.
By stripping the skin of its
oils and drying blemishes,
you might make a few of
them go away, but you’re also
causing your skin to create
more sebum, which will likely
result in an endless cycle of
breakouts. Plus, treating the
condition only at the surface
won’t address the root causes, so you’ll have to dig deeper to
find out what’s out of balance.
It could be your diet, your
hormones, your stress level, or
the products you’re using on
your skin. It will take patience
and a bit of detective work, but
you will ultimately learn how
to support your skin in a way
that’s much more than skin
Acne is an inflammatory condition complicated by bacteria and hormones, and each case is unique in the combination of factors that contribute to symptoms on the surface. Inflammation occurs both internally and externally, as a result of diet, stress, and concomitant illness.
ACNE prone skin
Let's do this together.
It may take a few months to see what feels like meaningful change, but if you go about it the right way, it will also be lasting change.
critical beginning steps
Harsh acids, peels, and scrubs
Until your skin heals, over exfoliation will only lead to more breakouts. Also, the more you strip your skin of its natural oils, the more it will panic and feel like it needs to increase its own oil production.
A daily oil cleanser
Oil cleansing pulls oil from the skin very effectively, but daily oil cleansing may deplete the skin’s natural sebum and kick it into rebound overdrive.
Drying masks or chemical blemish treatments
Again, soaking up the oil at the surface can be helpful from time to time, but mostly your skin is asking for support, not an attack.
A dirty washcloth or pillowcase
Make sure you’re laundering your linens regularly with an SLS and fragrance-free detergent to limit your skin’s exposure to microbes and chemicals.
Your fingers
Touching your face often or picking at blemishes can increase the chance of infection, irritation, and scarring. Use your hands lovingly to perform your skincare routine, and keep them away otherwise if possible.
Black Clay Facial Soap
Rich in minerals and nutrients for the skin, this bar is beloved among those managing acne. Essential oils of cedar, lemon, and bergamot fight bacteria, and coconut milk boosts lather and leaves the skin soft and nourished.
Balance Facial Serum
This herbal serum contains anti-inflammatory black cumin seed oil and schisandra extract, and is the perfect blend of oils to help your skin understand that it can finally relax.
Spotless Blemish Oil
Rather than blowing up a blemish on your skin leaving a dry and crusty mess, this gentle but powerful blend simply convinces blemishes to sneak away silently.
super important next steps
Additionally, keeping a food journal and managing stress will be important in your healing process. By watching how your skin reacts to inflammatory foods like dairy and sugar, you’ll have more information to guide your food choices. And managing your stress in a proactive manner will decrease your circulating cortisol levels, reducing the effect of stress on your skin.
Now For The Fun Part...
The shopping list: